Best Writing Games For Kids To Practice At Home And School

Writing is an important skill that we use in our daily lives. Children need to practice writing every day to improve their skills. One of the best ways to entice children to practice writing is to involve them in some fun writing games for kids.

List of Writing Games For Kids

We’ve compiled a list of simple writing games for kids that are sure to get even the most reluctant of them to write.

  1. Pictionary writing games for kids

  2. Things you need for Pictionary writing games for kids: Pencils and sheets of paper

    • This is one of the most fun and creative writing games for kids and is best when you have a bunch of kids. Ask the kids to sit in a circle.
    • Hand the first player a sheet of paper and ask them to write a random sentence at the top of the sheet. Pass the sheet to the next player.
    • The second player should read the phrase and draw a picture related to the sentence on the paper. Then, they fold the paper to cover the sentence and hand it to the next player.
    • The third player should observe the drawing and write a sentence describing the drawing. Ask the child to fold the paper to conceal the drawing and pass it to the next player.
    • The next player draws an image based on what they understand from the drawing and passes it to the next player.
    • This continues until the last player gets their turn to play or there’s no space on the sheet of paper. Finally, unfold the paper sheet to compare the original sentence with the drawings and sentences and have a laugh!
  3. Rapid-fire writing games for kids

  4. Things you need for rapid-fire writing games for kids: White sheets and pens


    • Rapid-fire writing games for kids are more exciting when you play with friends! As the name suggests, the players are supposed to play the game at a quick pace.
    • Divide the kids into two teams with an equal number of participants in each team. Nominate one child in each team just to assign the words.
    • The nominated child should call out any random word like trees, lakes, mountains, dogs, etc. The other kids from both the teams should write any phrase related to the word within ten to twenty seconds.
    • The team with the most meaningful sentences related to the topic is the winner. Continue the game until each child gets a chance to win.
  5. Creative story writing game for kids

  6. Things you need for story writing games for kids: A long sheet, writing pad and pen


    • Kids have a very active imagination and are natural-born storytellers. In this game, channel their storytelling abilities towards writing. These kinds of creative writing games for kids improve their creative thinking, visualization, handwriting and vocabulary skills.
    • This writing game can be played in school or at home with the family.
    • Hand the child a sheet of paper and write the first sentence of a story. The children will have to use their imagination and complete the rest of the story. And it’s ok if it’s just 1 or 2 lines too.
    • Some children might struggle initially, but slowly they’ll get the hang of it.
  7. Creative writing using different consequences for kids

  8. Things you need for play consequence-based writing games for kids: White sheets and pens


    • First, explain to the child that most stories have two main characters, the ‘protagonist’ and the ‘antagonist.’
    • The conversations between the protagonist and the antagonist in the story leads to certain consequences.
    • Write the name of the protagonist and antagonist on the board and a particular consequence. For example, Jack and Jill fell down the hill.
    • Then ask the children to think creatively and write a sentence on where and how the two characters met.
    • Then, encourage them to think of and write about the conversations that take place between the two characters that led to that particular consequence.
    • In the end, ask the kids to read out their stories to see their take on the conversation.
  9. Letter-writing activities for kids to improve their writing skills

  10. Things you need for letter-writing activity for kids: A long sheet of paper and a pen


    • Letter writing is an important part of learning English, learning how to write letters is one of the best writing games for kids.
    • First, teach your kids about the different types of letters and their formats. Then ask them to write letters or messages to their friends and family.
    • There are two types of letters: formal and informal letters. Formal letters are used for formal communication like letters addressed to your teacher or employer.
    • Informal letters are letters, which are written to friends or loved ones. These letters have a casual tone with a personal touch.
    • There are specific formats for both formal and informal letters. Formal letters have from address, to address and date. They begin with a salutation (respected sir/ma’am) and end with thank you or sincerely and regards. The matter in the letter should be short and to the point.
    • Informal letters have a date and place, written on the right side. They begin with a salutation (dear) and end with a complimentary closing (with love).
  11. Writing A Journal

  12. Things you need for writing a journal: A new journal, colorful pens, stickers etc.


    • Hand your child the new journal, the colorful pens, stickers etc.
    • Explain to them the importance of maintaining a journal. Then ask them to write their thoughts or anything they wish in their journal.
    • It can be a safe space to talk about their feelings or talk about their dreams. They can even write a story or a poem.
  13. Comic Strip Dialogue

  14. Things you need for comic strip dialogue writing: Printed comic strips with your child’s favorite character with blank speech bubbles and pens


    • This is one of the best writing games for kids who love comics and storytelling.
    • Hand your child the printed comic strips with blank speech bubbles and some colorful pens.
    • Then ask them to use their imagination to fill in the speech bubbles and create a story.
  15. Ask The Oracle

  16. Things you need to play this writing game for kids: Sheets of paper and pens


    • This is one of the most entertaining writing games for kids that also tests their creativity.
    • Have the kids sit in a circle and hand each of them a sheet of paper and a pen.
    • Ask each child to write a question that they want the Oracle to answer at the top of the page.
    • Then ask them to hand the paper to the child on the left.
    • Now ask the children to read the question and write a suitable answer according to their perception. Now, ask the child to fold the paper to conceal the first answer and hand it to the child on the left.
    • The next child writes another answer based on their understanding of the question above.
    • Continue the game until there’s no space left on the paper. Finally, ask each child to read the crazy answers written to the original question.

These 8 writing games for kids are sure to get your little ones more eager to practice their writing skills. Check our kids learning section for more such games and learning activities.

Frequently Asked Questions on Best Writing Games For Kids To Practice At Home And School

What are the Best Writing Games For Kids To Practice At Home And School?

The Best Writing Games For Kids To Practice At Home And School are Creative writing activities for kids, letter writing, story writing competitions, instant writing games for kids, etc.

What are the benefits of Best Writing Games For Kids To Practice At Home And School?

The benefits of Best Writing Games For Kids To Practice At Home And School are that they are helpful in teaching kids the importance of writing and improving their spelling skills for better learning outcomes.