Words That Start With Je

Use This Complete List Of Words Starting With Je To Jazz Up Your Little One’s Vocabulary

The letter J is one of the letters that is not used very often in the English language. So you might think you can’t find a lot of words for kids that start with J. On the contrary, when it comes to forming jazzy words, J is the crown jewel of the English alphabet. Jazz up your child’s J vocabulary with this list of words that start with Je. 

While some words that start with Je might be unfamiliar, little kids would have come across several simple words that begin with Je. Words like jet, jelly, jellybean are words that kids use and hear often in their daily lives. Here is a list of all the words that start with the letters Je to build a wide and expansive vocabulary for kids.

List Of Words That Start With Je

Once your child has mastered J words for kids, start teaching them words starting with Je. Here is a complete list of words that begin with Je that are used often.

3 Letter Words That Start With Je


Four Letter Words That Start With Je


5 Letter Words That Start With Je


6 Letter Words That Start With Je


7 Letter Words That Start With Je


8 Letter Words That Start With Je


Commonly Used 9 Letter Words That Begin With Je

Here is a list of some commonly used 9 letter words starting with Je.


Tips To Help Your Child Learn Words That Start With Je

While kids will be familiar with a few words that begin with Je, the majority of the words will be unfamiliar. The best way to teach kids these words is to make their vocabulary lessons more fun and exciting. Children tend to participate more enthusiastically and learn better when they’re engaged in hands-on activities and literacy games for kids. Here are some tips that will help your child learn these words quickly.

  • Learning words using images: Images and visual cues help a child connect the words to the object. It helps kids to learn the words faster when they understand what the word means. For example, showing kids images of a jellyroll, jerboas and jewelry will help them understand what these words mean. 
  • Once they’ve learnt the words starting with Je, test their knowledge using a fun word matching game. Place images of several words starting with Je like jellybeans, jet, jewellery etc and ask your child to match the image to the word.

  • Crossword and word search puzzles: Most children would rather play a game than sit through a lesson on words. So, you need to involve your child in creative learning activities to keep them engaged in the learning process. Crossword puzzles for kids and word search puzzles are wonderful activities to help children learn words that start with Je. 
  • Hangman: Hangman is a great game to help children learn words that start with Je. Additionally, the game helps children learn how to spell these words too. Spelling is a necessary skill that helps in developing better reading and writing skills. 
  • Quiz on words starting with Je: A great way to test your child’s vocabulary is to quiz them. Use fun questions to jog your child’s memory and test their knowledge of words starting with Je. Here are some examples to help you get started.
  1. This word starting with Je is another name for denim trousers. What is it?
  2. Answer: Jeans

  3. This word starting with Je means a precious stone polished for use as an ornament. What is it?
  4. Answer: Jewel

  5. This word starting with Je means colorful bean-shaped candies, which have a gelatinous centre and a firm sugar coating. What is it?
  6. Answer: Jellybeans

  • Fill in the blanks: Fill in the blanks is one of the easiest ways to help kids learn words starting with Je. Additionally, it’ll help you test your child’s knowledge of words that start with Je. Another great benefit of this exercise is that it helps kids learn how to spell the words too. Try these spelling activities to boost your child’s spelling skills. Here are some fill in the blanks exercises to help you get started.
    1. J __ A __
    2. J E __ __ Y B __ __ N
    3. J E __ T E __
    4. J __ W E __
    5. J __ L __ O
    6. __ E R __ E Y
    7. __ E __ P
    8. J E __ L __ G

    Looking for more words and vocabulary activities? Osmo has a wide variety of activities, games, word lists and worksheets that aid in your kids learning.

    Frequently Asked Questions on Words That Start With Je

    What are the words that start with Je?

    Words that start with Je are jelly, jet, jetlag, jerk, jean, jealous, jealousy, jewelry, jersey, jester, jest, jeopardy, Jerry, jellies, jetliner, Jew, Jets, Jews, Jell, Jeez, Jete, etc. These are a few words that start with Je.

    What are the 5 letter words that start with Je?

    The 5 letter words that start with Je are Jerry, Jenny, jeers, jeeps, jewed, jello, jesse, jerks, jelly, jewel, jetty, jerky, jeton, etc. You can ask kids to read these words aloud and their meaning along with them. By doing this, kids learn quickly.

    What are the 7 letter words that start with Je?

    The 7 letter words that start with Je are jetlags, Jetfoil, Jetport, Jelling, Jeering, Jettier, Jezails, Jetbead, Jellies, Jeweler, Jewelry, Jetsoms, Jerkers, Jerkins, Jerboas, Jeerers, Jeopard, Jeeping, Jerseys, Jessing, Jerboas, etc.

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