Words That Start With In
Help Your Child Build An Expansive Vocabulary With This List Of Words That Start With In
As children start learning to speak, they pick up words that the people around them use and start using them. This is the perfect time to help them build a strong vocabulary by teaching them words for kids. Learning words is important to improve their communication, reading and writing skills. Once your child has learnt I words for kids, teach them more complex words like words that start with in.
Several words in English are made up of a base word or root word for kids with an affix attached to it. An affix is a group of letters that are attached either at the beginning of the word or at the end. The addition of an affix usually forms a completely new word or alters the meaning of the root word. There are two kinds of affixes, 1. Prefix and 2. Suffix. One of the most common prefixes in the English language is In. Here is a list of words that start with In to help your child learn new words.
Words That Start With In
An expansive vocabulary is a great tool that helps children communicate effectively and build great reading and writing skills. In English, the prefix in can mean “in, on, into or not.” Here are some examples that will help your child understand better.
- Invalid: The word invalid means something is not valid. Here the prefix in means “not.”
- Inject: The word inject means to add a drug or a substance into something. Here the prefix in means “into.”
- Inscribe: The word inscribe means to write on something. Here the prefix in means “on.”
List Of Words That Start With In
Here is a list of commonly used words that start with In to help your child improve their word power.
In | Indoor | Inhaler |
Ink | Indigo | Interest |
Information | Inhale | Innocent |
Inside | Injure | Informal |
Injection | Intestines | Invitation |
Into | Industry | Infection |
Input | Infant | Institution |
Infuse | Insulin | Interview |
Inform | Inspire | Independant |
Invest | Initial | Intelligent |
Indestructible | International | Inert |
Inspiration | Introvert | Insurance |
Words That Start With In For Kids In Preschool and Kindergarten
Preschoolers and kindergarteners start by learning simple 2 letter and 3 letter words. Here is a list of 2 and 3 letter words with the prefix In for kids in kindergarten and preschool.
In | Inn |
Ink | Ins |
Words That Start With In For Kids In Early Elementary School
Kids start reading in earnest when they are in first and second grade of elementary school. Children in early elementary school can recognize and read 4 and 5 letter words easily. They might not know or understand the concept of root words and affixes, but you can give them a headstart. Help them build a rich and varied vocabulary with these 4 and 5 letter words with the prefix In.
4 Letter Words Starting With In
Inch | Info |
Into | Inks |
Inky | Inns |
5 Letter Words Starting With In
Index | Inert | Inept |
Input | Ingot | Intro |
Inner | Inlay | Inane |
Inter | Inset | Infra |
Incur | Inapt | Infer |
Inkle | Inlet | Inked |
Words That Start With In For Kids In Upper Elementary
Kids in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade already know what prefixes, suffixes and root words are. They also know how to add affixes to root words to create a new word or change it’s meaning. They can read multisyllabic words and 6, 7 and 8 letter words confidently. Here is a list of age-appropriate 6, 7 and 8 letter words starting with In.
6 Letter Words That Start With In
Income | Insert | Inflow |
Inside | Induce | Inning |
Indeed | Insure | Indict |
Injury | Insect | Injure |
Intend | Influx | Indigo |
Intent | Insult | Indium |
Invest | Inward | Intern |
Inform | Invent | Inhale |
Infant | Innate | Infuse |
Inland | Insane | Inners |
Invite | Invoke | Infirm |
Insist | Inject | Inlaid |
Intact | Invade | Invert |
Indoor | Inmate | Ingest |
Intake | Infect | Intone |
Incite | Indent | Incise |
Inborn | Incent | Inkpot |
Inbred | Inroad | Inlays |
Infamy | Intime | Incant |
Instep | Infest | Inlets |
Inputs | Insole | Induct |
7 Letter Words That Start With In
Include | Indoors | Inkling |
Involve | Infield | Instill |
Initial | Infancy | Inshore |
Instead | Indulge | Incudes |
Instant | Inverse | Inhaler |
Insight | Inquire | Ingrown |
Intense | Inherit | Innards |
Interim | Inertia | Insipid |
Inquiry | Inhabit | Incised |
Install | Inflict | Inflame |
Insured | Inbound | Inexact |
Insider | Incline | Inbuilt |
Inspire | Integer | Infidel |
Insurer | Inhuman | Inducer |
Inspect | Inquest | Ingrate |
Indices | Incense | Invitee |
Insulin | Inferno | Inflect |
Inhibit | Inflate | Incisor |
Invalid | Intrude | Inanity |
Invoice | Insular | Inkwell |
Inkblot | Indrawn | Ingrain |
8 Letter Words That Start With In
Industry | Incubate | Infusion |
Interest | Insolent | Infinite |
Increase | Inductor | Instinct |
Included | Indolent | Inferior |
Involved | Infernal | Inflated |
Internal | Iniquity | Invasive |
Intended | Inverter | Informer |
Indicate | Inedible | Infrared |
Informed | Insomnia | Infantry |
Intranet | Ingrowth | Infamous |
Incident | Inundate | Inactive |
Interior | Inhalant | Instruct |
Instance | Innuendo | Infinity |
Inherent | Intercom | Insignia |
Inspired | Influent | Insecure |
Integral | Inexpert | Innovate |
Indirect | Intubate | Intrigue |
Informal | Inchworm | Indebted |
Innocent | Inveigle | Infringe |
Interact | Initiate | Insanity |
Intimate | Inclined | Indecent |
Invasion | Incoming | Incisive |
Interval | Inviting | Inductee |
Inaction | Incision | Inhumane |
Insulate | Inwardly | Inequity |
Easy 9 Letter Words That Start With In
Here are some commonly used 9 letter words that start with In.
Insurance | Interfere | Intestine |
Institute | Incumbent | Insistent |
Influence | Intrusion | Indenture |
Interview | Inaugural | Insidious |
Interface | Intervene | Incubator |
Introduce | Intrinsic | Infirmary |
Intention | Innocence | Insolvent |
Integrate | Induction | Innocuous |
Inflation | Inspiring | Ingrained |
Intensive | Intricate | Informant |
Integrity | Incapable | Increment |
Inventory | Insertion | Insoluble |
Infection | Injustice | Intersect |
Inclusion | Interrupt | Indulgent |
Instantly | Intrusive | Incessant |
Inability | Ingenuity | Indignant |
Incentive | Inference | Incurable |
Intensity | Intellect | Indelible |
Incidence | Ingenious | Inductive |
Injection | Intending | Infantile |
Inspector | Inhibitor | Inanimate |
Indicator | Inhabited | Interlude |
Incorrect | Intercept | Insulator |
Interpret | Intuition | Innermost |
Intuitive | Inventive | Infertile |
Inception | Intensify | Incarnate |
Invisible | Inorganic | Injurious |
Inclusive | Influenza | Indecency |
Invention | Inversion | Intercity |
Tips To Help Your Child Learn Words That Start With The Prefix In
Words that start with the prefix In are used very often in the English language. Learning these words will give your child an incredible advantage. Once they learn these words, you need to ensure they remember them and use it meaningfully too. Here are some tips to help your child learn words that start with In.
- Creating stories and sentences: Help your child learn the words listed by teaching them to use the words in sentences and stories. Get their creativity and imagination flowing and ask them to construct simple sentences and stories using those words. For example, “We stayed at an incredible inn just outside Inverness.”
- Crossword and word search puzzles: Sometimes kids will be reluctant to sit down for an hour of lessons on words that start with In. In such situations, using learning games and activities like crossword puzzles and word search puzzles will keep them engaged in their learning. Help your child learn words that start with In using crossword puzzles for kids or word search puzzles.
Check Osmo for more activities, games, word lists and worksheets to aid in your kids learning.
Frequently Asked Questions on Words That Start With In
What are the Words That Start With In?
The Words That Start With In are in, ink, inter, intra, international, indigo, institution, Inside, invitation, industry, industrial, insulin, into, input, intake, invest, investment, independent, independence, insurance and infant.
What are the upper elementary Words That Start With In?
The Upper elementary Words That Start With In are Inflow, Infill, Indigo, Intern, Infuse, Infirm, Invert, Inkpot, Intone, Induct, Inmost, Infest, Inroad, Indent, Inmate, Inject, Invent, Instep, Inbred, and Incite.