Words that Start with En
A Complete List Of Words Starting With En To Boost Your Child’s Language And Word Skills
The prefix En in the English language means to put into, within or in a particular condition or place. Words that start with En are very common in the English language, you often come across words like entomb, enhance, enliven etc. Before you teach words that start with En, help kids understand the concept of root words, prefixes and suffixes. Teaching these words for kids plays an essential role in building their communication and vocabulary skills.
Words are the foundation of a language, kids need to be taught words to be able to communicate and learn effectively. Without a proper understanding of words, kids will find it difficult to form meaningful sentences and cannot express themselves clearly. A vast vocabulary for kids ensures that they can talk, read and write clearly. This is essential for their academic success and professional success later in life. Help your kids build a robust vocabulary with this list of words that start with en.
Parents and teachers can introduce simple words that start with En by the time kids reach their first grade of schooling. By this time, they would have learnt 3 Letter Words For Kids and Kindergarten Spelling Words.
List Of Words That Start With En
Here is a complete list of words that start with En to enhance your child’s word skills.
Commonly Used Words Starting With En
End | Envy | English |
Ending | Entertainment | Ensue |
Encouragement | Enemy | Entirely |
Enjoyment | Enlisted | Enough |
Enchilada | Engagement | Envelop |
Encrusted | Entailed | Envious |
Enchanted | Enthusiastic | Enquired |
Engrossed | Entangle | Endanger |
Enormous | Engineer | Enthralled |
Enlighten | Enforce | Environment |
More Words that Start with En:
- 3 and 4 Letter Words that Starts with En
- 5 Letter Words that Start with En
- 6 Letter Words that Start with En
- 7 Letter Words that Start with En
3 And 4 Letter Word That Starts With En
End | Envy |
Ends |
5 Letter Words That Start With En
Enjoy | Enemy |
Enter | Enact |
Entry | Envoy |
Enrol | Ended |
Endow | Ensue |
6 Letter Words that Start with En
Enough | Enlist | Encore |
Energy | Entice | Enfold |
Ensure | Enigma | Enrage |
Enable | Encode | Entomb |
Entire | Enamel | Enjoys |
Engine | Enmity | Encase |
Ending | Ensign | Enacts |
Engage | Ensued | Encamp |
Entity | Engulf | Entail |
Enroll | Enjoin | Envoys |
Enzyme | Endear | Envies |
Endure | Enrich | Enters |
7 Letter Words that Start with En
Enhance | Entrant | Engrave |
Engaged | Envious | Entreat |
Endless | Engulfs | Encrust |
Enforce | Enquire | Enthuse |
Endorse | Enliven | Engaged |
Enquiry | Endnote | Enemies |
Entitle | Envelop | Endures |
Enlarge | Endgame | Enlists |
Enclose | Enslave | Engines |
Enclave | Enchant | English |
Encrypt | Entrust | Enjoyed |
Activities to help kids learn Words that Start with En
Little kids usually have a short attention span and find it difficult to concentrate during lessons. But since learning is important, you’ll need to teach them using innovative and fun methods. Games and hands-on activities for kids at home are one of the best ways to make lessons fun and entertaining. Here are some activities that will help kids learn words that start with the prefix en easily.
- Fill in the blanks: One of the best word learning activities for kids is fill in the blanks questions. Along with learning the words, this is also one of the best spelling activities for kids. Here are some fill in the blanks questions on words that start with En:
- _ N D
- E _ V Y
- _ N J O Y
- E N R _ C H
- _ N H A N C _
- Puzzles: Puzzles are not only fun games for children, but they’re an excellent resource for learning words too. Try word search puzzles for kids and crossword puzzles to help your little ones learn words in a fun way.
- Word scavenger hunt: Little kids love activities and games that involve moving around. So, a word scavenger hunt is one of the best literacy games for kids to help boost their vocabulary. This is an activity you can do with your child after they’ve learnt the meanings of the words. Write down some words that start with en on sticky notes and paste them in several places in one room. Read out the meaning of the word loudly and ask the child to hunt for the sticky note with the word.
Osmo has a wide range of kid-friendly activities, games and learning materials that are easy to teach and comprehend. Make sure to know more by clicking on our kids learning section.
Frequently Asked Questions on Words that Start with En
What are the Words that Start with En?
The Words that Start with En are English, Entertainment, Engage Enjoyment, Enchanted, Enormous, Enforce, Enthusiastic, Engagement, Environment, Endanger, Envious, Enough, etc.
What are some of the six letter Words that Start with En?
Some of the six letter Words that Start with En are Enacts, Enters, Envoys, Encamp, Entomb, Enfold, Enrage, Entrap, Enjoin, Ensued, Enmity, Encode, Entice, Enrich, Endure, Enroll, Engage, Engine, Enable, and Energy.