Square Root of 7

Square root of 7 is mathematically represented as 7. The square root of √7 is 2.645. To have a solid understanding of this concept, kids must have a stronghold on the fundamentals of math operations, namely, subtraction, division, multiplication and addition. When they have learned these concepts, they find it easy to understand the square root of 7. Once the children have finished learning the meaning and square root of other numbers, parents and teachers can teach them what’s the square root of 7. Also, tutors can introduce the little ones to 7 Times Table, available at Osmo. With this, kids will be able to grasp the concept of square root with better understanding.

What is the Square Root of 7?

Square root of 7 up to 5 decimal places is 2.64575. When multiplied by itself, the square root is defined as a number that gives the actual numeral as the product. Little learners might find learning the square root of 7 quite challenging. However, they can quickly learn the square root of 7 simplified by referring to Osmo’s Multiplication Table for Kids.

The square root of 7 is mathematically represented in 3 ways, which are

  • Decimal form: 2.6457513110
  • Radical form: √7
  • Exponential form: (7)½ or (7)0.5

How to Find Square Root 7?

Square root of 7 can be determined in different ways. One of the easiest ways is by the average method. As the number 7 is a prime number, √7 cannot be simplified. √7 is the radical form of the square root of 7. Here is the average method to find the square root of 7. Also, refer to Osmo’s Math Activities.

  • The square root of 7 lies in between the square root of the two perfect squares that are close to 7.
  • Firstly, teach the kids to recognize the square root of 9 and the square root of 4. √4 < √7 < √9.
  • Hence, teach kids that the square root of 7 lies between 2 and 3. 2 < √7 < 3
  • With the help of the average method, determine 7 ÷ 2 or 7 ÷ 3.
  • 7 ÷ 3 = 2.33
  • Now, determine the average of the quotient and 3. Average = (2.33 + 3) ÷ 2 = 5.33 ÷ 2 = 2.66
  • Therefore, √7 = 2.66 by the average method.

Is the Square Root of 7 Rational or Irrational?

As mentioned above, the square root of 7 is mathematically expressed as √7, and the square root of 7 up to 10 decimal points is 2.6457513110. Due to this never ending nature after the decimal point, the square root of 7 is irrational. Kids usually have this question, is the square root of 7 irrational, or is the square root of 7 rational? As mentioned earlier, the square root of 7 is irrational. An irrational number is a real number that cannot be mathematically expressed as p/q, p and q are integers, and q is unequal to 0. In this context, √7 is irrational.

Osmo offers a wide range of Math Worksheets For Kids and Number Games for Kids. Visit Osmo’s website for more kid-friendly math activities and games.

Frequently Asked Questions on Square Root of 7

What is the value of the square root of 7?

The value of the square root of 7 is 2.64575.

Is the square root of 7 an irrational or rational number?

The numbers in the square root of 7 continue after the decimal point without terminating, so it’s an irrational number.