Square Root of 20

The number 20 is an even number that has 6 factors, such as 1, 2, 4, 5, 10 and 20. Square root of 20 is expressed as √20. This is called a radical form of mathematical representation. Some children might find it easy and quite a few might find it difficult to understand the numbers, their square root and the squares. Hence, parents and teachers can help them learn the square root of 20 by teaching them 20 Times Table, available at Osmo. Kids learn fast when fun, educational and interactive games are a part of their learning process. Make it more convenient for kids so that they grasp the concept of square root in a fun way

What is the Square Root of 20?

The square root of 20 is 4.472. When the number 4.472 is multiplied by 4.472, the product obtained is 20. However, this is a non terminating number. The actual number obtained when multiplying 4.472 is = 4.472 x 4.472 = 19.998. Hence, 19.998 is rounded to its closest number which is 20. In addition, one of the best practices to teach the little learners this concept is to introduce them to Multiplication Worksheets, available at Osmo. The square root of 20 is represented in 3 ways such as,

  • Radical form: √20
  • Decimal form: 4.47213
  • (20)½ or (20)0.5

How to Find the Square Root of 20?

The square root of 20 can be found in many ways. Easiest of all is the simplified radical form and the long division method.

Simplified Radical form

As mentioned above, 20 is an even number and not a prime number with six factors, 1, 2, 4, 5, 10 and 20. To determine the square root of 20, you must take one numeral from each set of similar digits from its prime factorization and multiply. That is mathematically expressed as,

20 = 2 x 2 x 5 (one set of same numerals)

Therefore, the simplified radical form of the square root of 20 or √20 is 2√5.

How to Find the Square Root of Negative 20?

The square root of 20 is 4.4721359. But, the square root of -20 is a complex and an imaginary digit. Now, let us learn and understand how to determine the square root of negative 20.

  • The mathematical representation of negative 20 = √20 x √-1
  • The square root of 20 is written in the radical form as √20. √20 = 4.472, and √-1 is represented as an i
  • Finally, the square root of negative 20 is equal to 4.472i

Is the Square Root of 20 Rational or Irrational?

A rational number implies non terminating or termination numerals that have repeated patterns in the decimal places. In this case, √20 = 4.472. This is a non terminating number without repetitive patterns. Thus, it is not a rational number and √20 is an irrational number.

Little ones may be involved in a great number of Math Activities, Math Facts Games, Multiplication Table for Kids at Osmo. Osmo has an excellent way of teaching the kids. Make sure to visit the website.

FAQs Related to the Square Root of 20

Is √-20 an imaginary number?

Yes. √-20 is an imaginary number.

Can √20 be expressed in decimal form?

Yes. √20 can be expressed in decimal form.