Square Root of 11

√11 is mathematically represented as the square root of 11. The number 11 is an odd number and has two factors, 1 and 11. Also, 11 is a prime number. It is important to teach the little ones all about the number 11 and 11 Times Table, available at Osmo. Times table help kids to retain the information that they’ve learned during class the hours. The square root of 11 up to 3 decimal points is 3.316. In addition to this, teachers can engage kids in number games, counting activities and many other math related interactive activities during the teaching sessions. However, learning square root will make them solve any complex arithmetic problems easily.

What is the Square Root of 11?

The square root of 11 up to 7 decimal places is 3.3166247. The square is an inverse of the math operation of a square root. Besides this, the square root is a numeral when multiplied by itself, gives a product. For instance, let us consider the number 11. The square root of the numeric 11 is represented in following three ways mentioned below:

  • Decimal form: 3.316
  • Radical form: √11
  • Exponent form: (11)½ or (11)0.5

Also, refer to Math Activities, available at Osmo.

How to Find the Square Root of 11?

The square root of 11 can be computed in the given method:

  • By simplifying the radical of the numbers that are perfect squares.

A simplified radical form of Square Root of 11

Represent 11 as the product of its prime factors, in order to simplify the square root of 11. The prime factorization of the number 11 is 11 x 1. To determine the square root of a digit, consider any number from every pair of the numbers from its prime factorization and multiply them. However, the prime factorization of the number 11 is 11 × 11 which doesn’t have pairs of the same numbers. Hence, √11 is in its lowest form and is impossible to be simplified any further. Also, parents and teachers can challenge the little learners to find the square root of 9 and 11 using the simplified radical form.

Also, explore Problem Solving For Kids

Is the Square Root of 11 Rational or Irrational?

Is the square root of 11 rational? No, the square root of the number 11 is not a rational number. Now, educators can challenge kids to prove that the square root of the number 11 is irrational. However, before challenging the little minds, teach them what is the difference between an irrational number and a rational number. A rational number is a numeral that can be expressed as p/q and non terminating decimals that have repeated numerals are rational numbers. But, an irrational number cannot be expressed as p/q. Also, a number that has a non terminating decimal without any repeating sequence is an irrational number. √11 = 3.31662479036. Therefore, the square root of 11 is an irrational number.

Introduce the little ones to Osmo’s Math Worksheets For Kids and Math Facts Games.

FAQs Related to Square Root of 11

Can the square root of 11 be considered an irrational number?

Yes. The square root of 11 can be considered an irrational number.

11 is not a perfect square. Yes or No?

Yes. 11 is not a perfect square.