Reward Chart For Kids

Reward charts are the best ways to encourage kids to inculcate good behavior and habits from an early age. To motivate children, you can give stickers or points for their good behavior. At the end, you can reward them with a gift. To make it easy, you can explore a reward chart for kids where you can assign them tasks and give points based on their performance. You can also categorize the stickers in the form of excellent, good, average and poor for their efforts. For this, you can download a printable reward chart for kids available online to change their behavior, if needed. 

In This Article, Explore Reward Chart For Kids

With the help of a reward chart for kids, you can change negative behavior into positive ones. You need to assign a task for them to complete in a given frame of time. If kids are successful in doing so, they are more likely to inculcate the changes and become a responsible person. These charts for kids are a tool to keep record of their behavior. 

Free Printable Reward Chart For Kids

Whenever your child does well in their task, you can paste stickers on the reward chart. These stickers are sometimes considered more than gifts for kids. The more stickers you give them, they are more likely to get motivated to work harder towards achieving their goal. You can, in this way, instill good behavior which is mandatory for them to become a disciplined person. With the help of a reward chart for kids, there are chances that they can develop interest in learning. Here are few printable reward charts for kids mentioned below:

Assign activities and add points or stickers on a daily basis on the given reward chart

Reward Chart For Kids

Give points for the assigned task on the given reward chart

Reward Chart For Kids

Paste stickers or stars for the assigned activities on a daily basis on the given reward chart

Reward Chart For Kids

Download Free PDF of Reward Chart for Kids

How To Make A Reward Chart For Kids?

It is extremely simple to use reward charts for kids. You can change your child’s behavior with the help of these charts. Moreover, there will be a change in their negative behavior to positive ones. There are few things that you need to keep in mind while using a reward chart for kids. They are as follows:

  • Choose behaviour: This is the most important task that you need to do before using a reward chart for kids. You need to think about the behavior that needs to be changed among children to enhance their personality. Make it simple and understandable for kids. For example, brushing your teeth twice a day, sleeping early at night, chewing food properly while eating, etc. 
  • Prepare a chart: Designing the chart is extremely important so that kids can follow them systematically. You need to make sure that the reward chart for kids is visually appealing so that it develops interest among them. Most importantly, you have to include tasks in the chart that are engaging and entertaining for kids. 
  • Select rewards for kids: Most kids want to successfully complete their task in order to secure good rewards from their parents. In such cases, it is important to choose rewards that are not only appealing to children but also motivate them to achieve their goal. You can choose glittering stickers, stars or even points as a reward for your children. This is because kids are very fond of these colorful stickers, more than gifts. Once kids are successful in completing all the assigned tasks, you can give them gifts based on the points they have got. 
  • Customize the chart: The best way to attract kids to change their behavior is to customize the reward chart with their photo, an attractive theme and colors. These reward charts for kids will motivate them to perform the task assigned to them in an organized manner. 
  • Choose a place for a chart: There has to be a specific area or place where you can hang or stick the reward chart at home. It is better to keep it in the study area of your children so that it reminds them about the rewards. Also, you need to keep in mind that stickers or stars can be pasted on the chart after they change their behavior. It gives children immense pleasure to see those colorful stickers on the chart. 
  • Encourage children to do better: There might be chances that kids might not change their behavior at the beginning. But, you need to have patience and encourage them to do better next time. Receiving encouragement from you will make them start focusing on changing their behavior. 
  • Set timelines: Keeping a chart for too long on the wall might create disinterest among children. They might think about postponing the task over and over again. Therefore, you can make a reward chart for kids with timelines. Make sure that kids change their behavior within the given time. In case they delay in changing their behavior, you can give some extra time for them to change.

List Of Behavior That You Can Include In Reward Chart For Kids

The list of behaviors that can be incorporated in reward chart for kids are mentioned below:

  • Make your bed
  • Wake up early
  • Talk to elders with respect
  • Show compassion for your pet
  • Feed your pet
  • Do not spill things on the floor
  • Go to bed on time
  • Chew food properly
  • Cut your nails
  • Take bath properly
  • Brush your teeth twice a day
  • Use positive words in your conversation
  • Finish your homework on time
  • Do not dirty your clothes
  • Help others
  • Be kind to others
  • Spend time with family and friends
  • Help your parents
  • Share toys with your siblings
  • Clean your study area
  • Organize your things
  • Do not fight with others
  • Do not argue with your parents
  • Obey your parents
  • Switch off lights when not in use
  • Do not waste water
  • Do not waste food 
  • Throw trash in the dustbin
  • Help mom in household chores
  • Listen to elders
  • Speak softly with others
  • Eat food on time
  • Exercise regularly 
  • Get dressed yourself
  • Pack your school bag
  • Put clothes for laundry
  • Value time

Tips For Using Reward Chart For Kids

Young children like to perform tasks when they are rewarded. It motivates them to do better and encourages them to learn good behavior. Reward systems are the best way to introduce good behavior among children. You cannot force them to adapt to a certain behavior but instead give them an opportunity to learn over a period of time.  A few tips to use reward chart for kids are mentioned below:

  • Keep the chart simple and understandable for kids.
  • Explain to them about the behavior that needs to be changed so that they become a well disciplined and responsible person.
  • Do not only include behavior that you want them to change. Also, try to include the ones that they like to do, so that there is a blend of behaviors on the chart.
  • Decide what kind of stickers or stars that you would like to give your children.
  • Keep the chart short and precise for the children.
  • Make it fun and entertaining. 
  • Make the chart visually appealing so that it attracts children and develops interest in changing their behavior.
  • Customize the chart as per the needs and requirements of children. 
  • Appreciate the children even if they do it wrong. Next time they will correct themselves and perform better. 

Benefits Of Reward Chart For Kids

At the beginning, kids might just do the task for the sake of receiving rewards. But over a period of time, they will learn good behavior. There will be a lot of interest among children to participate in such activities that can help them to become better people. Some of the benefits of reward chart for kids are mentioned below:

  • Helps in changing the behavior of children in an engaging and entertaining way.
  • Develops interest to perform tasks in a timely manner.
  • Builds confidence and motivation to change their behavior. 
  • Encourages children to collect stickers or points for good behavior. 
  • Enables children to learn responsibility and discipline.
  • Emphasizes on good behavior than bad ones. 
  • Creates engagement and entertainment among children.

For more related articles, explore essays for kids, poems for kids, worksheets for kids and science worksheets at Osmo. 

Frequently Asked Questions On Reward Chart For Kids

What is a reward chart for kids?

A reward chart for kids is a tool to change the behavior of children. Kids will receive stickers and points for every good behavior. At the end of the task, you can reward them based on the number of stickers they have collected.

What are the tips used for making a reward chart for kids?

A few tips used for making a reward chart for kids is that it should be simple and understandable for kids. Besides this, they should have timelines, visually appealing formats and interesting tasks for kids to perform.