Number Chart for Kids

Number charts are one of the best tools to recognize and count numbers in a fun way. These charts for kids will develop children’s interest to learn numbers and math. With the use of a number chart for kids, you can help them to count numbers and develop good mathematical skills. Once they get familiar with numbers, kids will be able to solve simple-to-complex math problems easily. To make them understand math, you need to come up with interesting activities so that they can effortlessly retain the information that they are learning. At the beginning of their learning period, you can teach number charts 1-20 for better retention. Download a free printable number chart for kids, available online. 

In this Article, Explore Number Charts for Kids

To make kids understand the concept of numbers, you can conduct number games for kids, and  teach recognizing and counting of numbers. Most importantly, using a number chart for kids with visually appealing illustrations is extremely helpful in attracting children’s attention. 

Free Printable Number Chart for Kids

Introduce numbers to children in such a way that they memorize and retain them in their memory, throughout their lives. In this regard, conducting math activities using a number chart for kids will enable children to concentrate and stay focussed on learning numbers. With the help of these charts, kids will be able to learn numbers in the correct order.  Here are a few printable number charts for kids given below.

Number Chart for Kids: Learn numbers 1-100 from the given chart

Number Chart for Kids

Number Chart for Kids: Fill the missing numbers on the chart

Number Chart for Kids

Number Chart for Kids: Count the number of items illustrated on the chart

Number Chart for Kids

Download Free PDF of Number Chart For Kids

Tips to Use Number Chart for Kids

Number charts are an effective tool in helping kids to recognize and count numbers. Some of the interesting tips for using a number chart for kids are mentioned below.

  • Keep it visually attractive: Create a visually appealing number chart for kids so that they develop an interest in learning numbers. 
  • Incorporate engaging activities: To grab the attention of children, it is important to teach numbers in an engaging way. This will make them concentrate on learning numbers and retain them in memory for a longer period of time. 
  • Assign a specific area for the chart: Hang number charts in a place where children can easily notice them. You can hang the chart on the wall of your child’s study room so that they can refer to the numbers easily. 
  • Practice regularly: Encourage your child to practice counting numbers on a regular basis. Make a  daily routine at home where kids can count or recognize numbers, in the morning or before going to bed. It is important for children to keep revising numbers regularly in order to retain them in their memory. 
  • Spot the numbers: Ask your child to spot numbers on the chart on a regular basis. This will help them to keep track of numbers that they have learned before. 
  • Teach number words: Once kids get familiar with numbers, you can teach the spelling for each number such as one, two, three, four, five, etc. This helps children to improve their vocabulary skills and make meaningful sentences. 
  • Conduct number games:  With the help of charts, you can conduct number games for kids so that they participate, and learn numbers in an entertaining way. For example, you can ask kids to count the number of items kept on the table. You can keep on making them revise the numbers for better retention.
  • Play what comes next: In this activity, you can call out a number on the chart. Have children spot the numbers appearing before and after. In this way, kids will learn numbers in the correct order.
  • Use number stickers: Use attractive stickers to teach numbers to the children. These printable stickers are very handy and convenient for your children to learn numbers.  You can paste the stickers on the space provided for the missing number. 
  • Be patient with children: Kids at this age are too young to recognize and count numbers just by glancing at them. You need to teach them numbers repeatedly, using these charts, in order to make them memorize numbers. To teach numbers to children, you have to be patient and understand their grasping abilities. Sometimes, they might ask multiple questions or forget all the numbers that they have learned the day before. Even then, you have to keep calm and teach them until they are completely familiar with numbers. 
  • Instruct properly: To make kids memorize numbers in an effective manner, you need to instruct them clearly so that they understand what you expect them to do. Each and every activity that you conduct must be explained properly, as these  children are too young to understand complex terminologies. 
  • Create your own chart: To create your own number charts, you can come up with interesting ideas that are engaging as well as entertaining for your children. Include attractive themes, backgrounds, easy and understandable content in the chart. Most importantly, use visually appealing images and graphics to make it attractive. 
  • Use real life examples to illustrate your chart: You can make kids understand what they are learning by relating them to real life examples. This will improve their understanding of the information that you want them to know. 

Benefits of Number Chart for Kids

Number charts will enhance kids’ learning experience with better outcomes. The information that they need to learn should be presented keeping children’s interests in mind. This will make them excited to learn numbers more often. Some of the benefits of using printable number charts for kids are mentioned below. 

  • Helps in recognition of numbers: With the help of a number chart for kids, children can recognize numbers effectively. If you call out numbers randomly, kids will be able to tell what comes before and after the number. 
  • Helps in counting and writing numbers: These charts will enable children to read and write numbers effortlessly. They can practice counting and writing numbers in a fun way. 
  • Develops mathematical skills. Learning numbers will help children to develop their mathematical skills in order to solve math problems easily. Numbers are the building blocks of mathematics. Once children are acquainted with numbers, they can solve problems related to addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. 
  • Develops visualization skills: Visually appealing charts will make kids develop their visualization skills for better understanding. With the help of images or illustrations, they can learn and remember what they have learned before.
  • Promotes engagement among children: Apart from textual learning, kids will also be interested in learning numbers with the help of a number chart for kids. They will involve themselves in learning math for a longer period of time. Moreover, they will concentrate on recognizing and counting numbers in a systematic way. 
  • Develops pronunciation skills: While counting numbers, children will develop their pronunciation skills. They will pronounce the words correctly while counting. 

For more related articles, explore essays for kids, poems for kids, worksheets for kids and science worksheets at Osmo.

Frequently Asked Questions on Number Chart for Kids

What is a number chart for kids?

A number chart for kids is a tool to recognize and count numbers in a fun way. These charts are extremely easy, understandable and visually appealing for kids.

What are the tips for using a number chart for kids?

A few tips for using a number chart for kids are that you can make charts visually attractive, plan engaging activities or games, have patience and keep track of what children have learned.

What are the benefits of a number chart for kids?

Some of the benefits of a number chart for kids are that it helps in recognition and counting of numbers. Additionally, it will help in developing mathematical, visualization and creative skills.