Number 6 Worksheets – Download Free Printables

Try these number 6 worksheets to learn about 6. Numbers play a very crucial part in our daily lives, we need numbers to count, measure, add, multiply, and much more. Number recognition, counting, and writing the numbers are a key part of a child’s early education. Once they know how to count from 1 to 5, it’s time to introduce them to some number 6 worksheets.

Children tend to learn the numbers 1 to 5 easily. And counting 5 objects is easy too. But the numbers 6 to 10 are tricky. Here are some tips and tricks to introduce your child to the number 6. Help them learn to read, write and count till 6 using simple numbers worksheets like number 6 worksheets.

Free Printable Number 6 Worksheets

Here are the number 6 worksheets to help your child learn to read and write the numeral 6. Additionally, these worksheets for kids also help them learn to count and add using the number 6. Practicing worksheets help children learn numbers and other mathematical concepts easily.

Number 6 Tracing Worksheets for Preschool

Help your child learn how to write the numeral 6 by tracing the number on the worksheet. Additionally, this worksheet also helps children learn to spell the number 6. Practicing these worksheets help children develop writing skills. Check out the number 6 tracing worksheets for preschoolers.

Number 6 Tracing Worksheet

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Help your child boost their number recognition skills using fun color by numbers worksheets.

Number 6 Worksheets for Kindergarten

Kindergarten is when kids learn that a number actually represents a particular quantity. Counting activities help children understand this concept easily. Help your kindergartner learn how to count to 6 using this worksheet. This is a fun exercise to learn number 6 creatively. The visually appealing images on the worksheets develop interest among children to learn the number 6 in a systematic way.

Number 6 Counting Worksheet

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Check out counting kindergarten math worksheets to boost your kid’s counting skills.

Number 6 Addition Worksheets for Elementary School

Math lessons in elementary school include basic arithmetic operations like addition and subtraction. Here are some simple number 6 worksheets to help your child learn how to add single digit and double digit numbers with 6. You can ask children to add the given numbers with 6 to get accurate results.

Number 6 Addition Worksheet

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Number 6 Addition Worksheets for Kindergarten

Kids at this age learn counting numbers. Additionally, you can teach them addition using the worksheet. Kids can add the given numbers with 6 on the worksheet given below. This help them enhance their mathematical concepts for better learning outcomes.

Number 6 Addition Worksheet Printable

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Number 6 Addition Worksheets for Preschoolers

Help your children learn and practice the number 6 with the help of worksheets. These worksheets helps children count and add given numbers with the number 6, for example, 12 + 6 = 18. Kids can practice problems until they get proficient in them. Check out the number 6 addition worksheets for preschoolers given below.

Number 6 Addition Worksheet

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Check out addition worksheets for grade 1 to help your child practice their adding skills. Also, teach them the 6 times table to set a strong foundation to develop their multiplication skills.

Activities to Help Children Learn the Number 6

Once your child can correctly identify the number 6 on a chart, they need to practice how to write the numeral. This can be quite tricky as they can easily get confused by numbers that look similar. For example 6 and 9. Since these numbers look similar, a child could find it difficult to learn how to write these two numbers. 

To help clear their confusion, it’s best to tackle each number separately. Help your child revise the numbers using the number chart 1-20. Once they can confidently read out the numbers and write them, have the child solve number 6 worksheets. Games and hands-on activities are great tools to keep children engaged in their learning. Counting activities and games will keep your child entertained and learn at the same time.

  • Number 6 counting activity: Before you hand out number 6 worksheets to your child, teach your little one to count to 6 using this fun activity.
  • For this activity, you’ll need: Colorful felt paper, Scissors, Glue and a Large sheet of chart paper.

    Directions: Make 6 heart-shaped cutouts using colorful felt paper. You can make any shape of your choice, triangles, circles, squares or hearts. But ensure that you have 6 pieces of each shape. Ask your child to count 6 heart shape cutouts and glue them on the chart paper. This is also a great way to boost your child’s learning of shapes. Try shape games for kids to boost their learning.

  • Number 6 pasta and candy bracelets: This is one of the best math activities to help your child learn to count to 6. 
  • For this activity, you’ll need: Colorful dried pasta, Colorful candy with holes like Life Savers, Peach O’s, Sour straws, Elastic cord and Scissors.

    Directions: Pour the colorful dried pasta and candy in two separate bowls. Ask your child to count 6 pieces of pasta and 6 pieces of candy. Cut the elastic cord and thread the pasta and candy alternately. Kids can follow this pattern or any other random design. Tie the elastic cord into place and let the kids enjoy their creations. Try these counting activities for preschoolers to improve their counting skills.

Osmo has a variety of activities, games and worksheets to make learning fun and easy for children. Check our kids learning section for more information.

Frequently Asked Questions on Number 6 Worksheets

How Number 6 Worksheets help kids in learning numbers??

Number 6 Worksheets help children to learn counting, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing the number 6 with any given number. These worksheets also help kids to color and practice the worksheets at their own pace.

What are the different types of Number 6 Worksheets?

The different types of Number 6 Worksheets are Number 6 Worksheets for preschool, Number 6 Worksheets for kindergarten, Number 6 addition Worksheets, Number 6 subtraction Worksheets, Number 6 multiplication Worksheets and Number 6 division Worksheets.

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