Essay On Race

500 + Words Essay On Race In English 

Race is defined as a group of people who possess different cultural and physical characteristics. It is the term that differentiates one group of people from the others. It is a belief which is totally illogical as all the people are equal irrespective of their physical and social factors. There should be no superiority and inferiority complex among people. One must know how to respect and appreciate others’ cultural and physical characteristics . We must understand the fact that all are equal in their own ways. There is no above or below someone. People have to refrain from speaking or characterizing people based on race. 

Sometimes, we come across a few people who mock others for their appearance or the way they live life. But, such an attitude towards people is highly disappointing. Therefore, it is important to have an open mindset and think that all the people around us are the same. If you have a broad mindset, everything you think and do will be appreciated. We need to embrace the changes and make sure that people are respected and valued irrespective of their culture and beliefs. From an early age, we need to teach kids how important it is to embrace all the people in the world. In this essay on race, we will discuss how important it is to talk to kids about race and ways to overcome the barriers we build around them.  

Essay On Race: Why Is It Important To Talk About Race To Kids?

It is important to speak about race to the children so that they understand and respect people irrespective of cultural and physical differences. We need to teach kids that people belonging to different communities are equally important as they are. It will help them to show compassion and build empathy towards people of different backgrounds. Some of the ways to teach about race to the children are mentioned below: 

  • Check your facts before explaining to kids about race and ways to overcome them. 
  • Try to use real life examples to explain about situations regarding race. It will help them to understand the concept better. 
  • Use simple and understandable language to explain about race to the kids. 
  • Explain to the kids about the importance of respect, value and equality for all people.
  • Provide basic information so that kids can understand better. 
  • Explain them based on their level of understanding with age appropriate information. 
  • Encourage them to ask questions so that they can clear doubts or questions that they have in their mind regarding race. 

Also explore: Culture essay

Essay On Race: How To Overcome This? 

It is highly recommended that parents and teachers explain the importance of treating people equally. They have to make sure that the term ‘race’ does not hold any significance in their life. Some of the ways to overcome this issue are mentioned below: 

  • Encourage children to become friends with kids from other backgrounds so that they understand and respect each other. Make friends with children from different communities so that they can understand their lifestyles, food, art and culture. 
  • Try to teach the importance of other cultures and their traditions to the children so that they value each other’s cultural beliefs. 
  • Make them read stories, listen to music, celebrate holidays and festivals with people of different backgrounds so that they can understand their traditions. 
  • Attend events and celebrations of other backgrounds so that they can learn about their history and traditions in a much better way. 
  • Teach kids about the importance of respecting and treating each other equally. Besides this, remove the superiority and inferiority complex among children. 
  • Encourage them to be kind, compassionate and loving to all people.
  • Create awareness among the children to value and appreciate others. 


Race is a group of people categorized based on their physical appearance and cultural background. The ideology of the race should not be introduced among children because they have to be taught to treat people equally irrespective of their background. 

We hope this essay on race was useful to you. Check essays for kids to explore more topics. 

Frequently Asked Questions On Essay On Race

What is an essay on race?

It is a short write up on race which differentiates people based on their physical and social factors. The ideology of this term is disappointing as we need to treat all people equally irrespective of their background.

Why is it important to teach kids about race?

It is important to teach kids about race so that they can understand and start respecting others and their traditions. They should learn about the importance of being with people from different backgrounds.

What are the ways to overcome this issue?

Children can become friends with people from different backgrounds to learn about their culture and traditions. They can spend time with them in order to know about their food, art and lifestyle. Besides this, teach children the importance of treating others with respect, love and compassion.

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