Decimal Multiplication Worksheets

Help your child learn to multiply decimals with decimal multiplication worksheets. Decimals are an important part of math and our everyday lives. We use decimals in our daily lives when we’re dealing with money, weight, length and so much more. But, what is a decimal? A decimal is a kind of number. It has a whole number part and a fraction part, which are separated by a decimal point. The decimal point is denoted by a dot ( . ). The fractional part, which are the digits to the right of the decimal point, shows a value less than 1. Learn and practice how to multiply decimals using math worksheets for kids like decimal multiplication worksheets.

We use decimals in situations where we need more precision than whole numbers can provide.

For example: If a recipe calls for 0.5 teaspoons of salt, you need to measure 0.5 teaspoons of salt and add it to the dish. If you don’t measure and add more, the dish ends up too salty and if you add less, it’ll be bland. This is why the recipe calls for a precise measurement of the ingredients. Decimal multiplication worksheets help you learn such concepts easily.

Here is a list of worksheets for kids to practice decimal multiplication:

For example: When you’re at a restaurant, you’ll see that the items on the menu are priced at $9.99 or $15.48. These are decimal numbers. Here 9 is the whole number and 99 is the fractional part. The decimal point separates the whole number 9 from the fractional number 99, which is 99 hundredths. Let’s consider another example. Let’s take the number 19.34.

Example of decimal multiplication: Free decimal multiplication worksheets for kids

A tenth means 1/10 and a hundredth means 1/100. In the decimal system, they’re written as 0.1 and 0.001. So, 4 tenths here means 4/10 and 8 hundredths means 8/100. 

Decimal numbers are based on the number 10, powers of 10 or tenth parts. So as you move from left to right after the decimal point, the place value of digits gets divided by 10. This means that the decimal place value determines the tenths, hundredths and thousandths.

Does your child need some different methods to learn? Check out these Math Games for Grade 5 to help your kids learn using games.

List of Decimal Multiplication Worksheets

Now that you know the rules for multiplying decimals, you need to practice. The best way to practice decimal multiplication is to solve decimal multiplication worksheets. The more decimal multiplication worksheets you practice on, the more confident you’ll be when you have to multiply decimal numbers in a trice.

Single Digit Decimal Multiplication Worksheet

Multiply decimals with whole numbers: Decimal printable multiplication worksheets

2 Digit Decimal Multiplication Worksheet

Multiply decimals with decimals: Worksheet on multiplying decimals for kids

Multiplying Decimals in Columns Worksheet

Multiply decimals with whole numbers: Math worksheets on multiplication of decimals

Decimal Multiplication Worksheet with Money Notation

Solve decimal multiplication equation: Decimal multiplication worksheets for kids

Multiplying Decimals by 10 and Powers of 10 Worksheet

Multiply decimals with 10 or 100: Free  worksheets for decimal multiplication

Decimal Multiplication Worksheets: Multiplying Decimals

Before you hand decimal multiplication worksheets to the kids, teach them how to multiply decimals. Just like with whole numbers, sometimes you’ll need to add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals too. 

For example: Imagine you’re at a restaurant with your friends. The bill for your meal is $60.55, including a tax of $4.84. You have to tip your waitress, so you need to double the tax to calculate the tip. Now, if you don’t know how to multiply decimals, you won’t be able to calculate the tip. This is where multiplying decimals will come in handy. 

Now, in this electronic age, you could calculate the amount for the tip using a calculator. But what if you pushed the wrong button or don’t have a calculator handy? In such situations, it helps to know how to multiply decimals. To multiply decimal numbers, you follow the same process that you use to multiply whole numbers. The only difference is you have to place the decimal point correctly when you multiply decimal numbers. 

As you can see, the digits in the answer didn’t change. The difference lies in the placement of the decimal point. 

Here Are Some Rules For Multiplying Decimals:

  1. Multiply the numbers like you would multiply whole numbers.
  2. Line up the numbers on the right without aligning the decimal points.
  3. Just like with whole numbers, multiply each digit in the top number by each digit in the bottom number, starting with the digits on the right.
  4. Then add the products and place the decimal point.

How to place the decimal point?

  1. First, count the total number of decimal places in each of the factors that you’re multiplying. 
  2. For example: In the sum, 25.2 X 3.5, the first factor (25.2) has 1 decimal place and the second factor (3.5) also has 1 decimal place.

  3. Now, add the number of decimal places in each factor. So, in 25.2 X 3.5, we have 1 decimal place for each factor.  1 + 1 = 2. 
  4. Therefore, the product (answer) will have 2 decimal places. So, 25.2 X 3.5= 88.20.
  5. When multiplying a number by 10 or a multiple of 10, move the decimal point one space to the right for every zero in the multiple of 10. For example: 10 x 0.624 = 6.24 and 100 x 0.624 = 62.4 and so on.
  6. Sometimes you might have to add zeros in front of the product to get the right number of decimal places. For example: 0.054 x 0.04
  7. 0.054 ————- 3 decimal places

    X 0.04  ———— 2 decimal places

    The product should have 5 decimal places.

    So, you add two zeros to the left of the product to get 5 decimal places. So the product should be written as 0.00216.

  8. If the product has zeros to the right of the digits, keep them until you place the decimal point. You can drop the zero, once the decimal point is placed. For example: If the product of two numbers is 39.7800, you can drop the last two zeros.

We hope you found these decimal multiplication worksheets useful. Check Osmo for more activities, games and worksheets to help in your kids learning.

Frequently Asked Questions on Decimal Multiplication Worksheets

What are the different types of Decimal Multiplication Worksheets?

The different types of Decimal Multiplication Worksheets are multiply single digit numbers with decimals, multiply double digit numbers with decimals, multiply decimals in columns, multiply with the help of 10 and powers of 10, etc.

What are the simple rules for learning Decimal Multiplication?

The simple rules for learning Decimal Multiplication is that you can teach kids to multiplying the same method they follow to multiply a whole number, arranging the numbers on the right, multiplying the digits in the above column by the digits in the lower column and sum up the products.

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