How to Draw a Cardinal: A Step-by-Step Tutorial for Kids

Do your children find it difficult to illustrate cardinals on paper? If yes, we are here to help them learn how to draw a cardinal by following the step-by-step instructions. These instructions consist of detailed steps to draw every part of the cardinal on paper effectively. Also, learning bird drawing for kids will enable them to explore different bird species belonging to the same or different family.

What would you do if your children had not encountered a cardinal before? You can take them to a zoo or show them images or videos of the bird for better understanding. They can also learn how to draw a cardinal to understand its physical features. It would be great if you could plan interesting drawing activities for kids at home so that they can involve themselves completely in the activity and learn something new. 

What are cardinals? They are also called red birds, as the body of the bird is entirely red, except for the region around the beak. You can find these birds on trees, shrublands, gardens, wetlands, etc. Mostly, you can see cardinals in the Eastern United States. What do cardinals eat? They feed on seeds, grains, nuts, fruits, etc.

Kids can learn more about cardinals through drawing. They can practice how to draw a cardinal to enhance their knowledge of the same in a creative way. Most importantly, they can learn the names of the body parts of the cardinal, such as the crest, eyes, beak, body, wings, tail, and legs. Learning drawing for kids enables them to develop cognitive and fine motor skills from an early age. 

How to Draw a Cardinal: A Step-by-Step Guide for Kids

Did your children know that cardinals do not migrate? And the male cardinals are red in color? The main reason for the red color in the male cardinal is due to the carotenoid pigment found in their food, especially red berries. The prominent features of a cardinal are its stout and cone-shaped beak that can easily break the shells of nuts and crack the seeds.

Learning about cardinals will help children understand their role in the ecosystem. Therefore, practicing cardinal drawing will motivate them to do research and detailed study in the future. You can encourage kids to learn how to draw a cardinal at the beginning of their learning period to acquire the basic knowledge of the bird creatively. Check out the step-by-step guide on cardinal drawing below. 

What You’ll Need?

  • A drawing sheet 
  • A pencil 
  • An eraser
  • Color pencils or crayons 

Easy Stepwise Instructions on How to Draw a Cardinal 

The step-by-step instructions on cardinal drawing for kids are mentioned below.

Step 1:

Draw a pointed structure on a sheet of paper for the cardinal’s beak.

Step 2:

Draw a curved line around the cardinal’s beak for the mouth, followed by a  circle for the eye. 

Step 3:

Draw an upside-down V-shape above the cardinal’s beak for the crest.

Step 4:

Draw a curved line from the cardinal’s mouth to the tail region for the body.

Step 5:

Draw a line below the cardinal’s crest for the back.

Step 6:

Draw a cylindrical-shaped structure with a zig-zag end below the cardinal’s body for the tail. 

Step 7:

Draw a zig-zag line with a claw-shaped structure on the right side of the cardinal’s body for the leg. 

Step 8:

Draw a zig-zag line with a claw-shaped structure on the left side of the cardinal’s body for the other leg. 

Step 9:

Draw a pair of curved lines, one below the other on the cardinal’s body for the wings, followed by a small line in the middle of the tail to give the appearance of feathers. 

Step 10:

Finally, color the illustration of the cardinal using appropriate color pencils or watercolor paints. 

Download Free How to Draw a Cardinal PDF Here

Also, explore how to draw a pelican

Benefits of Learning Cardinal Drawing for Kids

The benefits of learning cardinal drawing for kids are mentioned below. 

  • It helps children learn about cardinals and their physical characteristics through drawing. 
  • It motivates children to express their creative ideas on paper. 
  • It keeps children active and entertained while drawing. 
  • It teaches children creative problem-solving skills. 
  • It develops cognitive and fine motor skills in children. 

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Draw a Cardinal 

How to draw a cardinal?

You can teach kids how to draw a cardinal on a sheet of paper by following the stepwise instructions mentioned in this article. They can learn to draw the physical features of a cardinal, such as its beak, crest, eyes, body, wings, tail, and legs, with the help of these easy-to-follow instructions. 

What are the benefits of learning how to draw a cardinal?

The benefits of learning cardinal drawing for kids are that it helps them upgrade their knowledge of the physical and behavioral characteristics of cardinals through drawing. Besides this, kids will enhance their drawing and artistic skills. 

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