Obsessed … with learning! How an unexpected shift to homeschooling led a family of 6 to embrace Osmo year-round

Elisa Lachance hadn’t planned on homeschooling her children. Her sister-in-law had homeschooled her children long before Elisa’s were born and she always found that to be nowhere in her life plan.  But when her then-3-year-old daughter seemed to take an interest in learning things like letters and…

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Building social connections with Osmo: How one first grade teacher goes beyond math, reading, and coding to foster student growth

Courtesy of Alyssa Ramjan When students in Alyssa Ramjan’s first-grade class in Sydney, Australia finish an assignment to the best of their ability, it’s not just time to fidget quietly at their desk while they wait for their classmates. Instead, they’re given a variety of options for “fast finishers” like…

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‘I had to do something’: How one Osmo employee stepped up to help Ukrainian refugee students

As Katja Heinisch, the head of business development in Germany and France, watched the horrors of the Russian invasion of Ukraine unfold, she knew she had to do something. 

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