5 Ways to Celebrate the First Day of Fall

The first day of fall aka the day of autumnal equinox falls on September 22 this year. Here are some ways you can celebrate this special day. Explain why leaves change color When fall arrives, leaves change to colors of yellow and orange. Explain to your child how this happens;…

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7 Ways to Fuel Your Child’s Creativity

Research has shown that we have impaired creative development in children. Instead of allowing them to be imaginative, we have surrounded them with props and characters that actually inhibit their creativity.  Gone are the days when kids would imagine a stick to be a sword; they now have Star Wars…

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5 Fun International Literacy Day Activities

World Literacy Day is celebrated on September 8. Here are some International Literacy Day activities your kids will love! Book Swap Let your child swap books with a friend. After both finish reading, they can tell each other what they loved most about the book, who their favorite character was,…

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